Late and Distant Metastases of Retinoblastoma to Long Bones: A Purpose of a Case

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Luis Ricardo Willians Marthelena Acosta Marin, MD


The case of a 13-year-old male patient is presented, with a history of Bilateral Retinoblastoma since he was 2 years old, undergoing enucleation of the right eye in June 2007, and salvage of the left eye by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, said patient 11 years after This episode presented metastasis in the distal end of the right radius, performing neoadjuvant treatment and subsequent wide oncological resection with healthy margins of the distal end of the radius plus reconstruction with the proximal end of the ipsilateral fibula and arthrodesis of the wrist. . It is important to point out that distant bone involvement and that of long bones are very few cases reported in the literature, therefore this case was a challenge for diagnosis and treatment, since a retinoblastoma was obtained that metastasized 12 years later. of the enucleation of the eye with the primary tumor and in turn performed it in the long bone (radius), it is emphasized that said patient was followed up free of disease for 2 years after surgery (wrist fusion). Given the limitations of knowledge of the genetics of retinoblastoma metastasis to long bones, not all alterations are currently known. It is considered that a genetic study should be done in patients diagnosed on time.

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How to Cite
WILLIANS, Luis Ricardo; MARIN, Marthelena Acosta. Late and Distant Metastases of Retinoblastoma to Long Bones: A Purpose of a Case. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 8, sep. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi:
Case Reports


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