Policy, Timing, and Impact: An Evidence-Informed Analysis of Iran's Response to the Pre-Vaccine Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Hamid Bohloli Zeinolabedin Abbasi Nowdeh Hosein Gerivani Amir Ali Bohloli


Introduction: This study comprehensively analyses the Iranian government's policy interventions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic during the pre-vaccine period, from the initial outbreak to the establishment of the Operational Centre for National Headquarters to Combat Corona (OCNHCC). This study emphasizes the pivotal role of policy timing and intensity. This demonstrates a discernable relationship between policy interventions and their consequences, as evidenced by the COVID-19 incidence (Outcome) and mortality rates (impact).

Methods: This study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis of media policy news and quantitative data on COVID-19 incidence and deaths to evaluate Iran's time management interventions during the pre-vaccine phase of the pandemic. Using a quasi-experimental design, the study assesses the effectiveness of national COVID-19 policies by comparing various intervention periods. The analysis includes an extensive review of 71,237 news reports and a detailed examination of 316 policy actions, (numerical N1 to N209 clickable in Appendix 3), culminating in a comprehensive assessment of policy impacts on public health outcomes and policy efficacy.

Results: The study highlights that Iran's response to COVID-19 was initially insufficient, leading to widespread transmission. However, implementing measures such as social distancing and localized restrictions resulted in notable reductions in infection rates. These gains were often reversed because of premature easing of restrictions or non-compliance. The study emphasizes the importance of evidence-informed approaches in understanding the outcome and impact of health policies.

Conclusion: This research plays a crucial role in augmenting the understanding of the possible correlation between policy interventions and their subsequent consequences, using COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates as key indicators. The deductions derived from this research can augment our comprehension of the robust and frail aspects of the policy reaction, thereby empowering us to develop the guidelines to ameliorate forthcoming strategies to tackle pandemics.

Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Coronavirus, Policy, Outcome, Impact, Health Politics, Iranian government, Timing of Intervention

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How to Cite
BOHLOLI, Hamid et al. Policy, Timing, and Impact: An Evidence-Informed Analysis of Iran's Response to the Pre-Vaccine Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 9, sep. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/5547>. Date accessed: 04 oct. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v12i9.5547.
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