Impact of gingival tissue type around Dental implants on implant health and longevity: A Case report on implants around mandibular overdenture

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Ahmad Soolari, DMD. MS Amin Soolari, DDS, FAGD Nkem Obiechina, DMD, MS


The type of gingival tissue around dental implants is extremely important for the health and longevity implants in the mouth. Gingival tissue around dental implants can be comprised of keratinized or non-keratinized mucosal tissue. The type of soft tissue present around implants can influence the health, plaque accumulation and inflammation around dental implants. A number of studies have found that there is a need to have a minimum amount of keratinized mucosa to maintain peri-implant health especially for patients with poor oral hygiene that are at greater risk of gingival inflammation others have not found the same correlation for patients with good oral hygiene practices. More recently, a number of studies have found less potential for inflammation in sites with keratinized mucosa compared to non-keratinized mucosal tissue. The goal therefore is that when non keratinized mucosal tissue is present to utilize a soft tissue grafts to be able to regain keratinized mucosa around the implant site. This is particularly important for implant supported Overdentures where gingival augmentation can be able to improve oral hygiene, and help with resistance to trauma and abrasion from the removable prosthesis. This Case report is on utilization of a free gingival graft to increase keratinized mucosa, combined with a vestibuloplasty to increase vestibular height around implants supporting a mandibular overdenture prosthesis with the goal of improving the health and longevity of the implant supported overdenture.

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How to Cite
SOOLARI, Ahmad; SOOLARI, Amin; OBIECHINA, Nkem. Impact of gingival tissue type around Dental implants on implant health and longevity: A Case report on implants around mandibular overdenture. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 8, aug. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 sep. 2024. doi:
Case Reports


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