Italian School One Piece Implants Stabilized with Electrowelded Titanium Needle for The Rehabilitation in Aesthetic Area of Single Post-Extraction Edentulies with Immediate Loading

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Rossi Franco Marco E. Pasqualini Luca Dal Carlo Enrico Moglioni Giuseppe M. Famà Paolo Zampetti


The stabilization of an one piece implant with an electrowelded titanium needle is a technique introduced at the end of the seventies of the last century to increase the primary stability, already acquired by means of the wide thread and bicorticalism, of the one-piece implants of the Italian school such as the Tramonte screw, especially in immediate loading rehabilitations of single edentulous upper front teeth and thus make the success of immediate loading predictable.

The stabilization of a one piece implant is achieved by inserting a titanium needle (Scialom type) divergent from the axis of the main implant, a needle which must reach and impact the deep cortical bone and be welded with the intraoral welding machine to the one piece basic screw, to form a single prosthetic abutment.

In addition to enhancing primary stability and increasing resistance to static and dynamic stress, given that by forming a single body with the implant it extends the support surface over a larger surface, needle stabilization also carries out an anti-rotational action, opposing the "unscrewing" effect that can be caused by the pressure exerted by the tongue during swallowing.

Needle stabilization also helps to avoid those micromovements which, when they exceed 150 microns, can prevent the osseointegration process, leading to the failure of the immediate loading implant.

Needle stabilization has proven to be particularly effective in the immediate loading of post-extraction single implants in the upper frontal sectors, with reduced bone depth, or with poorly mineralized bone.

Keywords: One piece implant, Italian school of implantology, Intraoral welding machine, Needle titanium implant

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How to Cite
FRANCO, Rossi et al. Italian School One Piece Implants Stabilized with Electrowelded Titanium Needle for The Rehabilitation in Aesthetic Area of Single Post-Extraction Edentulies with Immediate Loading. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 8, aug. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 jan. 2025. doi:
Case Reports


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