Applying lessons learnt during Covid 19 era: hybrid ACLS training in low resource setting

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Dr. Romeo Wahome, MD Rosemary Lubutse Dr. Charles Mwai Dr. Olive Akunga Dr. Aggrey Wafula Dr. Daniel Kiura


Excellence in Advanced cardiac life support and other life support metrics are key items used in measuring the competency of essential personnel. These Life support certifications enable staff to be competent and efficient in providing critical lifesaving interventions to needy patients in a safe and structured manner. While these certifications can be offered by multiple providers, most institutions stick to certain providers due to their international accreditations. While available, their prohibitive cost discourages hospital wide training programs, budgets, and schedule.

Internal capacity building has been a key solution to this ever-growing problem. First, recognizing that life support training is an essential part of all critical healthcare providers core competency, and that the competency must be maintained, through frequent training is the first hurdle. Second was developing a training curriculum based on the core skills required to provide life support at the facility, and finally a way of adequately assessing the competency as per the required level for certification. Utilizing a hybrid format of training encompassing participants undergoing an online training module as well as coming for a physical simulation case-based examination.

Participants were allowed to take exams multiple times with different case scenarios to achieve a pass mark of 75%. 97 practical examinations for 76 participants were done for both Nurses and doctors over a 3-month period with a first-time success rate of 72%. Following the completion of the training, participants were more comfortable performing life support procedures. With an 80% cost reduction per participant, more staff participation, teamwork, and timely responses to patient resuscitation emergencies, quality in-house, hybrid life support training and certification can be done.

Keywords: ACLS, hybrid training, low-resource, Simulation, cost-effectiveness

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How to Cite
WAHOME, Dr. Romeo et al. Applying lessons learnt during Covid 19 era: hybrid ACLS training in low resource setting. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 8, aug. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 jan. 2025. doi:


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